Cosmetic & Wellness Clinic

Integrating health and wellbeing.

We provide complete skin and wellness services with a vast range of recognised services in one clinic, cutting-edge cosmetic and medical skin treatments, and state-of-the-art Body Contouring options to suit all skin and body types.

We also offer a wide range of cosmetic injectable treatments including Anti-wrinkle Treatments, Fillers, Mesotherapy, and Skin-boosting microinjections. Our dedicated team and on-site Doctor can’t wait to assist you on your cosmetic journey.

Anti-wrinkle Treatment



Body Treatments

We believe that everyone deserves to feel wonderful both inside and out, and we take great pride in helping patients through medical advice, treatments, and cosmetic products in achieving their aesthetic desires, and regain or build confidence in their appearance.

Our Team

You are in excellent hands with our experienced and educated team. From the very first moment that you arrive at our clinic, you will be made to feel welcome and comfortable.


Whether you are ready or just looking for a consultation to explore your options, we would love to hear from you. Please call or book now to set up your appointment.

Cosmetic and Wellness Services 

If you are seeking a particular cosmetic or wellness service, it is highly likely that we offer it. Explore each service for further details on their application and suitability.

  • Reduce the visible signs of ageing with the PRP Facial Rejuvenation Smooth your skin and increase your glow.

  • We proudly stock a range of Cosmeceutical products to enhance and rejuvenate your skin.

  • Looking for a brighter smile? Are stained teeth causing you to be self-conscious when you smile?

  • While sweat is your body’s natural way of cooling you down, Hyperhidrosis is characterised by excessive sweating in specific parts.

  • Whether it’s for a strengthened immune system, improved gut health, or simply a natural glow from within.

  • Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a treatment that stimulates natural healing in the body.

  • Regain your confidence, reduce unwanted fat, and enhance your body shape with our wide range of cosmetic treatments.

  • At Dr M Cosmetic & Wellness Clinics we offer an extensive range of premium skin treatments.

  • Cosmetic Injectables are a proven way to reduce the signs of ageing without needing surgery.